Hezekiah Syndrome
The Hezekiah Syndrome
Hezekiah a great king of Judah has done mighty things for Israel. In his time, he defended the city of Jerusalem over her mighty enemy such as Sennacherib king of Assyria. He sought the Lord with all his heart, and leading Judah following God's ways. King Hezekiah is mostly a wonderful and tremendous king. Yet with all these glory it is still not enough.
Hezekiah a great king of Judah has done mighty things for Israel. In his time, he defended the city of Jerusalem over her mighty enemy such as Sennacherib king of Assyria. He sought the Lord with all his heart, and leading Judah following God's ways. King Hezekiah is mostly a wonderful and tremendous king. Yet with all these glory it is still not enough.
8 So Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “The word of the Lord which you have spoken is good!” For he said, “At least there will be peace and truth in my days.” (Isa 39:8)
First of all, King Hezekiah is a man of prayer. He knows how to pray down heaven. He knows how to pull the strings of God and ask for mercy. He prayed till he got his answers and was healed. When King Hezekiah gets healed from his deadly decease, he rises up from bed and praises the Lord, he even writes a new song for God. It is interesting to me that many of these kings that walked with God are worshippers (David, Solomon). Obviously King Hezekiah knows how to worship the Lord. Now is really interesting to me, with a leader with such holistic qualities would have such an attitude of heart, it troubles me and makes me think. When Isaiah brought the news that the Lord would allow peace in his days and not his children's days, his reaction was Oh great!
What Hezekiah is saying is, that is great as long as my goals, my visions, my ministry is established in my days, as long as I run my race well and achieve all that God has for me, I am content! With such mindset is great, but He is missing something from the heart of the Father. King David is totally different. He understands the heart of God, and he begin to prepare not only for His Kingdom, ministry, and visions, but he prepares for Solomon, and the generations later on. What Hezekiah missed is that God's intention and full plan is for his leader/king to fulfill his vision by investing, caring, and establishing the second generation.
Since 2012, the Lord been given a series of 222 numbers, I've been gripped by the reality of investing in the second generation. Also for young man like me how to have the wisdom and boldness to honor and to walk along side of the older generation. And the answer of this question is Love. In other words, what Hezekiah lacks is a true authentic expression of Love. He loves the Lord, Oh Yes! But he lacks the expression to walk out the love that embraces differences, that seeks out the simple and lowly, the love the convicts the heart to do the uncomfortable. You know to connect with a different generation is uncomfortable, many people don't do it, because there is too much risk involved. But if we want a church of authority and power, the unity between the 2 needs to occur, because a Kingdom divided it cannot stand. In other words, if we say we love the Lord, and do all these ministry and fulfilling the vision from heaven, yet we forgotten to put a great deal of emphasis in establishing young generation, and to help them find their destiny in Christ, we are having the Hezekiah Syndrome.
I believe in such days as these God is looking for Shepherds after God's own heart. The ministry that will truly flourish and favored by Heaven is the ministry that will establish young people in their rightful place in the house of God. For ministers that seek to fulfill their own generation's visions and calling alone, and spend most of the time building their own system and structures without really giving time and energy to a new arising generation who is hungry, I believe they are missing out on the blessings of God. God has ordained praise, mighty power in the lips of orphans. Your youth will be as volunteers in the days of battle. If we ignore the greatest weapons in your house which is your children, and still placing them on the side line not allowing them to preach, to lead, to plant church, to express all these creative means, you are wasting your weapons and you are missing out on the power of God. This is the ways of God, He will use the weak things of the earth to confound the wise. Now is the time that the prophecy of Malachi must come to fulfillment, please pray and humble yourself and truly find the uncomfortable expression of Love God is requiring from us, then you will be blessed tremendously.
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet
Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
6 And he will turn
The hearts of the fathers to the children,
And the hearts of the children to their fathers,
Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” (Malachi 4:5-6)
Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
6 And he will turn
The hearts of the fathers to the children,
And the hearts of the children to their fathers,
Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” (Malachi 4:5-6)
What's the Mentality of a Follower or of the Next Generation?
One day all will stand before the throne and God will ask you did you learn to love? Have you learn to love your children well? Is your life time busying building your own ministry and fulfilling your vision, or have you spent your strength in establishing the people after you. This is really about love. A successful leader will work himself out of the job. The level of success is measured when the leader is gone and not present. Jesus is a great example. He empowered the disciples to be powerful and leaders, young men and women in their twenties. And when Jesus left the earth, the disciples had the greatest harvest. This is the measure of success Jesus walks in. Because love will never fail. True expression of love, not motivated by fear, over protecting, and fearing of failure therefore out of insecurity suppressed a generation after you, you missed the whole point of life. Babies are messy, they are chaotic and immature, but it is the weak things that the Lord has uplifted to His right hand. God doesn't want someone that gets everything together and has everything figured out. The min will think the people under us is immature and not ready to be empowered, we judged the ways of God. We elevated ourselves in pride, forgetting that we as leaders are just as immature in different ways. What is Love?? Love is not loving someone you are familiar only (your peers, generation, running ministry with those that you know all your life), no Love is wild! Love is Bold! Love steps out of the comfort zone and reaches out to the unfamiliar. This life is really about Love. If we can't learn love we'll be here forever and not graduate to the next life. So my goal in life is to learn love, and love well. Love people above and beneath so well. One last verse for you to digest.
9 Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. (Matt 23:9)
I think Jesus is not saying we cannot have fathers or mothers in the church. But He is pointing to a truth that is rarely addressed in the church world because of lack of understanding. On this earth, I think we many times exalt our natural leaders and government too high above as we should. We think can't do anything and can't have any thoughts except with allowance from our leadership. This verse puts things in proper perspective of life: we have only one originator, one Father, one God that is all above us humans, He is the one true leader. All the rest of men kind- your parents, kings, pastors they are all your fellow citizens, they are all humans, they are all people who try to follow God. I'm saying this not to give permission to rebel. The spirit of rebellion is of the devil, he doesn't know obedience to the Holy Spirit. But I'm talking about obeying the Spirit and walking out the dynamics within the society or church. This is so important to see and understand. So many people feel trapped and dumb down that they can't say anything or do anything. Even Joseph when he was in prison, he felt trapped. But the authority didn't kill his dreams, or his ideology. We honor authority, at the same time, we must know that God is our final authority, we must give an account to him and not to man. So as a next generation leader, I seek to make peace and honor my authority. But at the same time I don't loose confidence because of some authority gives an opinion criticism of me and my choices. I submit and consult them, but I weighed before the Lord. I believe this is called maturity. We must develop a critical thinking mindset, a free mind. We are not under communism, oppressive government any more. WE are sons and daughters to think for ourselves. And ultimately you are accountable for your own decision and thoughts. So you can weigh my words before God.