Matthew 6-10 Mediation - Faith Building Exercise

Jesus's message through His sermon and His life is about living in another dimension. How to be rooted and grounded in faith of the supernatural realm of God. When we look at Jesus ministry and His lifestyle and what He teaches, we begin to see Jesus is teaching us how we should live as humans the God way. We've been taught by society and the world system to live according to this system of the world the babylonian, Greek and Roman way, which the world is built upon. We've been programed and trained all through our live time to live according to principle of logic and material world to sustain our lives, yet we rarely are being trained to live in the spirit realm like Jesus did. Although we are consist of body, soul, and spirit, we mostly just live in the soul realm and not the spirit realm. Through Jesus, God is calling us back to the original blueprint and intention. God wants us to walk like Adam walk. The Last Adam became the life-giving spirit, therefore through Jesus we can once again breath and live in the spirit life.

The principles of Sermon on the Mount do not make sense to the natural mind. Jesus lays down the principle of the Kingdom of the Spirit and tells us if we would live according to it when the storm comes we will not be shaken. There is a storm coming, there is a shaking coming. God says through Amos once again He will shake the heaven and the earth: whether it is a financial crisis or natural disaster we can already see making shakings through out the earth. And as Jesus gives up the sermon it is all inclusive, the blueprint to build up a strong faith to withstand the coming storm. When we think of the radical Jihadist group that killed off Jews and Christians, we can trace to see how Yeshua taught us how to withstand such storm. A servant is not greater than the Master. Do not be afraid of the one who kills the body, but they cannot kill the soul.Jesus tells us to walk the narrow path and seek to do the will of the Father at all cost, even in times when Christianity will become very unpopular. Build yourself in training of pursuing God's will rather than physical comfort, or emotional support from friends and societies.

Every principle here is aiming to shift us from the natural world to live by faith along. Jesus was being remarked as the best teacher Israel had ever had, He taught with authority unlike the teachers of the law. They can feel life and anointing on His teaching. Why? We trace back to early chapter, Jesus is a man that live by faith and not by sight. Jesus had a history of building His life before the Father who sees in secret. Jesus practiced fasting and a lifestyle withstanding the culture of the age. When we trace down the 3 killers of faith, which are the three temptations of the devils are these:

  1. The Orphan Mentality. Not trusting God in His word that He is a loving Father that provides, that looks after us, that has a great plan and a future as long as we obey Him. We have to fight ourselves, and plan ourselves to success on our own.
  2. Self-Righteous Mindset that most people have. Even though we don't really understand fully what that means, but every person have this. It is the need to be right, it is the need to proof that you still got it, that you are not as bad as people say. It is the need to defend oneself and look better before man.
  3. Idolatry which is anything in this world that you must have to bring you pleasure besides God Himself. It could be money, success, fame, women, etc. Anything that brings you a stature or happiness but not through Jesus and His ways. 
These are three things that kills your faith in God, because these are the roots of sin, which our natural man lives by when Adam fails. You see when Jesus came to be tested, He was confronted on these 3 fronts. First Devil says, if you are the Son of God, come one turn these stones for food, for God's sake you are hungry! It is a challenge to jesus saying when you trusted God to fast for 40 days, look there is no food, no comfort, you obeyed and depended on the Father, yet where is His aid? Come on, will He really provide? But Jesus knows fully that He is a Son! His father never leaves nor forsake, He has a loving Father that will provide at the right time, He doesn't have to fight for it Himself. Then the devil came again and said, if you are the Son of God why don't you jumped off from here, didn't God says He will protect His servant? Here again the Devil is challenging Jesus to proof Himself to be the servant the so of God. If Jesus has the need to proof Himself, the need to show that He is God's favorite by testing God, He would not be perfect love. Jesus here is showing to the world that He is completely perfected in the Father's love, He has no need to put Daddy to test, He has no need to proof Himself, He has no need to be right before anybody or gain his respect in anyone. He lives solely before God. Then third time the devil tested Him to bow down to worship Satan for all his glory and fame. The temptation of idolatry comes again. Jesus is completely satisfies with the relationship with the Father and His presence, He has no need for anything else, so He replies, away from me Satan, it is written You shall worship the Lord only! Or you shall take delight in God alone! Wow!

The spiritual principle behind the success of our Lord is here. Jesus is like showing the world how He achieved his favor and to walk in such solid relationship with the Father. He gave the world assignments to do. He said now, go and do these homework, practice these things everyday. They may be contradicting to the mind and may be difficult, but this is the sure way to be solid like I am. Jesus is laying down these very profound truths for us to not just read about but actually do them in our lives, then we'll find the reality that sustained Him. I want to say this again, God ordained man to live in the most supernatural way where all of our physical existence is sustained by the spiritual realm. Where we can live under an open heaven, and the glory realm of God is present with us whatever need we have God will supply them. Just like when Adam walked the 2 realities are 1, Heaven on Earth. When we begin to practice these things, Heavenly portals will be opened and supply will come. We should ask God for grace to do them, and constantly aligning our hearts to them again. We can repent and then tell the Lord to help us to achieve this lifestyle.

Faith Building Exercise based on Sermon on the Mount:
  1. 8-attitude Check: are we seeing ourselves as needing Christ, hungering for the Spiritual things of God? Are we weeping and mourning in intercession for lost souls and how people are turning away from God? Are we humble and meek to place ourselves last and have a lowly servant heart? Are we thirsting to see things to be made right in society and actively using our physical and spiritual power to help those in need? Are we compassionate and merciful to our fellowman rather than judging people, and spending time with them? Are we pure in our heart intentions in all things we do? As to not to seek our own benefits or to mask up our mistakes and weakness? Are we pure and clean in relating to opposite sex? Are we pursuing unity and living a healthy family paradigm with Christians and our own family? Or are we just doing things as business and goal orientation? Are we quick to say sorry and to repent to others our fault? Are we revengeful and aggressive when people treat us wrong and persecute us?
  2. BE Light&Salt: Are we staying in tuned with these attitude and are consistent with them wherever we are: workplace, family life, church, etc? Are we seeking to promote these values in our society by being an example first then seek to show others how these standard operate? Are we student of the word and seeking to practice the word every day? After we practice them are we those who show others the way of God?
  3. Get Rid of Seeds of Murder: Is there bitterness and revenge in our hearts? Do we live out true forgiveness and live in repentance to others? When's the last time you repent to your brother or family?
  4. Be ware of Lust: Are you lusting after others beauty or what others have? Is your imagination clean?
  5. Do not divorce the woman of your youth
  6. Guard Your Words! Do not swear falsely and speak frankly and honest according to your ability to others. Do not boast!
  7. Show extreme kindness to your enemy as to win them over and not revenge. Every Soul is precious, know God's heart is to win everyone and not to judge! Bottomline is to get Father's heart and live according to that heart!
  8. Do not seek the Praise of Man! Let your Righteous Acts and Giving be in secret: Do not announce it as to win favor and praise from man! Win praise from God who sees in secret now do them in secret!
  9. Get a prayer life in secret! Pray Pray Pray! Your life must be built on your knees. Stop depending on your human efforts but your Father. Come to Him first, seek Him first, talk to Him first before all things.
  10. Fast in secret
  11. Give out your money as much as you can for the Kingdom according to the conviction of the Holy Spirit!
  12. Do not worry about how to earn a living
  13. Before pointing fingers, repent your own heart and examine first.
  14. Pray and live according to the knowledge that Our Heaven Father is the Kindest
  15. Do God's will only even if it looks like a narrow road
  16. Practice all of above every day!
I believe as we walk like this, we will enter into such a miraculous life like Jesus did Himself, signs and wonders will be normal and we can truly live only by the Father's voice. These are habits heart attitudes we must cultivate according to the help of the Spirit. These practices can train our spirits to be strong and mighty in the spirit, so when we face battles against sickness diseases and demons, we can win easily. Much like the Stephan Curry workout how to score 30 points per game. Let's endeavor to make Jesus famous by living accordingly to His ways!

  1. Attitudes Check: Hungry, Prayer, Humble, Righteous, Mercy, Purity, Peace, Endurance
  2. Be Bold to live out Radical Christianity
  3. Get Rid of Seeds of Murder and Lust (Sexual)
  4. Keep Covenant while Bridle your tongue
  5. Win Your Enemies with extreme Kindness
  6. Don't Seek Praise of Man
  7. Get a prayer and fasting life in Secret
  8. Giving Financially and don't You Worry
  9. Always examine your own heart FIRST
  10. Do God's will Only!
God Bless,


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