Matthew 1-5 Meditation
The Reason for Hidden Training
It is amazing to see how God raise up His leaders and deliverers. Most people don't understand, when they see successful and powerful people as though there were born that way, usually they don't see the difficult path they've been through to get to where they are at. Jesus' childhood is full of running away, changing school districts, trying to fit in. Jesus' childhood has to be forced to be in countryside rather than city, he has to be hidden away fearing that he'll be killed. God often times will hide his chosen one for a long period of time knowing what the enemy is up to He has to hide His weapon until the right time to release him that he is ready for battle, He is ready for war.In my younger days, I was mostly impatient, wanting to step into the promised called as soon as possible not realizing the danger and how the world is against us. When we begin to enter into that role, the enemy will sure come in like a flood to take you out. So our training and our discipline is to be trained to be excellent soldier, experienced warrior, we know how to fight, we know how to endure persecution and criticism, even temptation of all kinds. If we are to do greater works than Jesus beware the greater persecution that will come.
The Father's Seal - Holy Spirit
As we begin to investigate Jesus' life and His ministry you can see why He is so favored by God. Now we're looking at Jesus from the human point of view and not Son of God point of view, because He emptied Himself to come to the earth. From the earliest recording of Jesus till the death of Jesus you can see the consistency of His character that He leans and depends on God all the way through. As He comes for baptism of repentance by John, He says it is good to fulfill all righteousness, He is fully aware of the Father. He does things not because He wants to be good, but because He is living with Father in mind. When the devil comes to test Him 3 fronts, Jesus replied boldly 3 times with His heart felt scriptures, in which all of them have God in it. It is about The word of God, Worshipping God, and not to test God. Jesus is possess with God. I believe that's why the Father says, this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased. And the Holy Spirit came down and rests upon Him like a dove.The second reason from my examination of the first 3 chapters why Jesus was delight, was because Jesus is the most humble man in the world. He has no big personality and like the superhero-syndrome of the day. He is so different from the Marvel Studio stories, He has no part in that. Every part of Him from brith to death is super lowly and humble, mostly despised by people. He valued Humility above most stuff. He is willing to live in humble village and not recognize by men. He's willing to humble Himself to be baptized by mere man sinner? And confess repentance when He has no sin? He is humble enough to not proof Himself and show off His power and authority to His enemies or to anyone? He values Humility and Love above so many things of today. This is the key reason why He came, to show us the way
Psalm 45:4 In your majesty ride forth victoriously
in the cause of truth, humility and justice;
The Holy Spirit can rest upon Jesus so comfortably as the seal of Father's approval because He found a man after God's own heart. Constantly pursuing Him, living with God in mind. Then He hold dearly to the value of Heaven, and it is life now flowing from Him. He is is secure in the Father's approval. I believe God is looking for a man like this again to anoint Him with Spirit's power. Let us learn meekness.
Sermon on the Mount- Part 1
Jesus said something really shocking that I caught it for the first time. He said as Christians we are suppose to be Salt and light, which means the 8 heart values and standard should be so intense in us that is recognize by society. He says, if you don't have these values and not proud enough to demonstrate them, you are of no use in society. You will be trample down and become irrelevant to society. We as sons need to shine forth Meekness, Righteousness, Mercy so intensely not to hide them but genuinely loudly live them out to a point, all of society will recognize them. I believe Christians ought to be nobel prizes winner. We ought to be the most generous and pure souls on the planet and being demonstrated in politics, business, media that people are drawn to us. If we are doing a city transformation seminar let us examine our lives, Jesus wants us to grow to the mature stature of the Perfect Father, demonstrate what He's like, be representative of what God is life to the earth by these values.
Jesus takes these value in further explanation. He says many people think this is a merely performance and outward exercise to be good like the Pharisees. He says it is absolutely not, do not be deceived. What God is after is from the heart. Jesus wants us to be so transformed from the heart that the core of our heart desires begin to change and transformed, so the root of sin and pride has no hold in us. You see we don't just repent on our actions, God forgive us of saying that mean words and our attitudes. No Jesus is taking us deeper to search for the root of that anger? Why did we become so angry? The root of it could be because we feel like God will not help us, we have unbelief in our hearts that we accuse God as a mean Father that He doesn't care for us. Perhaps we are self righteous and still hold on to what I can do so much better than the other person, although Paul has says he counted all things as loss so he may gain Christ. We still think our performance has some value. Or perhaps we have idols in our lives, when God decide to take them away we become extremely angry. Idols are things we hold on to we think that it can bring us happiness outside of Jesus. And so Jesus taking His words, He is the surgeon, He is the refiner with fire. He comes to our lives and not judging the actions in themselves rather the very heart attitudes and help us to deal with them. There is no other religion like this. Other religions is all about good work and outward control, but none have power to change the heart. That's why the gospel is the true religion of the world, only Christ has real power to transform heart attitudes and make it truly holy from deep inside.