2 Thes. Meditation

2 Thes.

  1. (1:7-9v) This verse tells us that the most severe punishment is by being shut out from the presence of GOd and the power of GOd. Hell is hell because there is no presence of God, it is the place of absence of all good things that came from God. The reason all creation can live is because of the word of God, and the word of GOd is not just a word, He is a person. It is His presence that is living and sustaining all things. We must know that every good thing, every comfort we can enjoy is because of God, from sex to breathing and eating. We sinned by misusing the gifts that God has given to us. But here God is calling us to know the timing and season of His time, before the day of judgment, all creation still have access to God's presence and His power. We must know that we are in a season of God's grace, and grace is given for a purpose, it is for us to reign in this life. We must know whatever mistakes we've made will not keep us away from His grace and love, this is the time to run towards His presence and power. It is only in grace we'll gain the strength to overcome all evil. God is calling us walk through the open door towards His presence (Heaven) and enjoy Him. We'll be the happiest and most powerful people walking the earth because we learned to access His presence and power. Antichrist was destroyed by the light of His presence and HIs breath, which means we can be ones that carry so much of His presence and destroy hell for living.
  2. (V2:10-11) The only safety net in the End Times is to clean to God, and be a lover of truth. God is sending the antichrist as a test for the whole earth. He sends him deliberately to punish those who do not love truth (Jesus) and thrust them in deeper darkness. This principle is true through out the Bible. We want to be persons of noble character like the Berean, who received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. This must be our way of life to examines the message that people bring to us, examining it with the word of God. 
  3. (V2:13-14) God has chosen some people to be in the faith as first-fruits to represent Him, and Thessalonians are one of them. This mean that we are here loving God and serving Him is not by accident, also the time to which we come to faith is also not by accident, because God from the beginning of all creation He has foreseen who would be called to Him and when to be called. But however way to which we believed, we must holdfast to the call and the teaching till the end, because we do know there is a possibility that we turned back like Judas. Another interesting thought is that we are saved by the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. Do you know that we can't clean ourselves up? Do you know that our flesh will not prevail against our sinful nature? It'll take the works of the Spirit of God to change us and transform us to break us free from patterns and addictions. What we need to do is run to the city of refuge, what we need to do is to run into the strong tower and stay there and never to journey out. We must know that we've killed someone by accident that is through our sins we've killed Christ. The only remedy is to run into the City of Refuge that is the Holy Spirit, and let the Holy Spirit fill us and work in us. This will be our only safety. The Law of the Spirit of Life has set us free from the law of sin and of death, which means that only when we're in the Spirit we are free from sin. Only in the City of Refuge we can live and be free, that is God's calling for us.
  4. (V3:6-9) We must work hard to earn a living so we have extra to share with others, we do this as servants of Christ not because we can't take the portion from the church, but we want to be a model for all the body of Christ, we do not want to be a burden to anyone. 


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