Broken by HIm
It is in brokenness that we are held in total surrender. People are quick to reveal our shortcoming and failure, they are quick to uncover the wounds, and leaving you sore on the inside without realize that you are very aware of your mistakes. People like you and support you when you do well, yet when you make a mistake, they may stand a different place. They love you in one moment, and the other they can leave you. True friends and family are the ones who will stand with you to take the blame and misunderstanding regardless.
Yea, I'm tired of explaining sometimes, when you failed in some's eyes, no matter how hard you explain, sometimes there will be no true understanding. And I question much of our thinking and operation that so driven us in the Asian Culture as a performance driven people. You can't get everyone like you. You just have to lean on God's favor and stand firm in what you are contending for, it's ok that men don't see what God sees. It's alright, it's just a training program, it's revealing the inability of humans to be so perfect, and to offer anything to God. Yea indeed. All He wants in this moment is a total submitted heart, through the trials and testing, He's asking, will you yield?
However, I know how God feels about me regardless of them. When I made a mistake on stage and openly, He ran to me and kiss me. Then He said, good job son, would you like to lead again next week? I will put my identity in my God and not be bossed by the orphan culture of the society, only leading you to performance. Yea, unfailing love is of another world. And I want to live there.