God of Fire Summons Me!

God told John with a trumpeting sound in Revelation, come up here, there was a door standing open. It is the same cry, same command God gave to Moses and the Israelites in Exodus- Come up Here Moses! Exodus 19, and Moses went up the Mount Sinai. Mount Sinai is the mountain of God the same as Mount Zion. It is a representing the Heavenly Kingdom where God wants to meet His people in glory. John experience the same thing to come up here to the mountain of God. This time the door is open. The door is Jesus our great high priest, the blood had shed and the door open up for all willing to come through into the heart of God behold His glory.

Unfortunately as the Israelites standing afar watching Moses Himself enter into the gloom of God and meet with God, today the people of God only watch the prophets of God having these encounters and revelation with God, but themselves standing afar saying, you hear the voice of God, but we will not. You talk with God Moses, we will stand afar.

Now is the time to ascend to mount Sinai to meet with the God of glory, Jesus came so that we may know the Father, so that we may experience Him, so come up here today my son! Do not be afraid, I'll meet your desire and curiosity to see the face of God. The Spirit is saying, be there or be square. Trust in the work of the cross and move into the glorious experience God wants to give you!


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