Jeremiah 31:31-34

Jer 31:31-34

Jeremiah is wondering, Lord, Israel is so stubborn, she keeps on turning away from you. Again and again, why Lord? Is this your will? When is your people going to turn back to you?

The Lord arose in such zeal and passion and he replied: No Jeremiah! Oh no! You don't understand! Yes in the past, Israel had broken my covenant, and had turned back from me, although I'd chosen her to be my bride.

But I will!! I am going to find a people for myself. I had plan this long ago, there are going to come a company of people, whom will know me from the smallest to the greatest. They're no longer going to be stubborn and stiff-neck. No look at my confidence, oh my word and love is going to be imprinted in them this time. Like a seal of fire burning in their hearts. I will have a people for myself! I will have a bride for myself. Be Patient! Jeremiah! Be Patient! Look at my table time line! The latter house will have the greater glory than the former house. I will find this company! See they're going to forsake all to and to give up all the world to have me. They're going to love me with all of their minds, hearts, souls, wills, emotions, and strength. Ah! Just watch Jeremiah! I no longer remember their faults anymore, for those who are forgiven much, they love much. I'm going to have this group for myself! For me! A holy bride for me. They will come up leaning on their beloved.

Oh yes! I may be weak now, but the zeal of the Lord is going to complete this. He who starts a good work within me will bring to completeness. As long as I keep running and not look back, fixing my eyes upon Him. Oh! Beware, He will accomplish holiness, humility, perfect love in me. Don't look at me because I'm falling short now. Ah! I know the end of the story, I am going to be that Holy bride leaning up on my husband, coming up from the wilderness, I have full assurance in His zeal and faithfulness. Because he will do it. I am his workmanship, I am the clay, He is the potter, He will do all that is in HIs heart. Yes He will! I'm giving HIm my all, everything. He will have His way at the end.


Weitsy said…
Thank you for your serving. Thank you for introducing that book [The Shack] to me. Recently I totally enjoy to have more conversation with God. That's a great and new exprience to me.
Weitsy said…
As long as I keep running and not look ahead, not focus on Lord, please fixing my eyes upon You. Praise God!

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