Journey to Heaven 1

So we went up to heaven last night...

As we're going up the golden light just get stronger and stronger, it was brighter than the the sun. We're curious where does the light come from. It was from God.

Samuel saw an angel stretching his arms with wings. And I saw 3, they're all playing trumpets, though I didn't hear the sound. We flew over mountains, and over a river. The presence of God was increasing as we're going up. I felt the refreshing of the presence of God, Samuel described as water flowing through him.

Samuel saw my house in heaven. He said it's a 2 stories house located next to a lake. A tree was planted next to the house. The house was surrounded by grass land. There many items in the house including furniture, and a lamp, etc.

I had a impression of a blue car for Samuel, which he said he wanted a lot.

When we come back, Samuel realized there's an angel in my room. We're just playing around. As I walked near the angel I can feel the electrified presence from the angel, I think it brings me strengths, even as Im typing this, I can feel it again. Im strengthened in my soul. Samuel grabbed the hand of the angel and took him to him room, but the angel came back to my room, cuz that was my angel i think.

Today he brought his angel to school, and he told me he lost his angel. I told him the angel was just hiding, the angels won't leave you.


Anonymous said…
好精彩阿!是異夢吧,怎會兩人同時都一起進入夢境呢? Mom

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