
So.. yes... Yea I did watch this movie today. I want to make some comment on this movie. I definitely could see the plan of the enemy trying to promote this typical American dream through this movie. The technology and the effect is awesome, but too bad they were used for wickedness and vain things... But I really do believe that if the church can redeem this median through the grace of God with Holy Spirit's anointing on it - like the Passion, it would awesome. Romans 6:13 Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness. This verse tells us that our eyes and hands should be used as an instrument for the kingdom of God. What the enemy does is, he took an invention from God and he perverts it. He cannot create, but counterfeit. I believe that today we really should stop saying that movies are sinful and filthy, but we should take it back for the use of Kingdom of God. Let the gospel invade the earth through this powerful tool. Let all the technology be used for the benefit of the gospel. Because one day Jesus is going to take every institute under His awesome leadership, and His kingdom will know no end. So father we ask you to release creativity into each of us and give us strategies to take these tools back. Let your kingdom come, and let your will be done!! Jesus let your people arise in the glory of God and walk in purity and holiness. Let the members of our body be used for righteousness and the glory of Jesus. I pray in Jesus name!! Amen


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