This is the apartment I used to live in Taiwan. Looks like in the middle of a jungle or something.



Anonymous said…
I took this picture while Mom washing our car in the background.
It was full moom that night. The trees are much bigger than the time you lived here. Time flies. Glad that we have enuogh grace now and we will all enjoy more in the future. God bless you.

Anonymous said…
家的巷子因著樹漸漸長大和公園設施的規劃,越來越美了。我們已經在公園開始了將近一個月的讚美操,早晨神的音樂和讚美之聲充滿了公園。連各種各樣的小鳥也變多了,我們常在音樂和鳥叫的伴奏中,享受大自然。你真該回來看看... Mom

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